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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Two from TCR
Stephen Hand's TCR News Focus is being updated more regularly of late, which is a good thing. Below are two choice articles from today.

Tomorrow is World AIDS Day, in honor of a disease whose spread could be stopped today by practicing a little restraint: 'Pansexual culture' fuels increase in AIDS/HIV, says Vatican message. We need to care for those unfortunate victims of this disease, especially the children, and God knows no one is doing so like the Catholic Church, who cares for one out of four of the world's AIDS patients. At the same time, it is obscene that valuable medical resources and talent are being wasted in trying to find a vaccine for a disease that is 100% preventable, all the more so when diseases like Malaria, Dengue Fever, and Schistosomiasis still ravage the world.

"Napoleon massacred more than 100,000 Caribbean slaves and should be remembered as a genocidal dictator and inspiration for Hitler rather than a military genius and founder of modern France, a French historian said yesterday:" Napoleon the inspiration for Hitler, says historian.