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Monday, December 05, 2005

More from the man who said that Pope John Paul the Great was responsible "for more deaths than Hitler:" Scientist says AIDS pandemic is Vatican's fault.

Let's take a look at pro-condom Thailand and the pro-abstinence Phillipines, from Family Values Versus Safe Sex:
    In Thailand and in the Philippines, the first HIV/AIDS cases were reported in 1984; by 1987, Thailand had 112 cases, while the Philippines had more, with 135 cases. Today, in the year 2003, there are around 750,000 cases in Thailand, where the 100% Condom Use Program had relatively great success. On the other hand, there are only 1,935 cases in the Philippines — and this, considering that the Philippines’ population is around 30% greater than Thailand’s! Relatively low rates of condom use by the people in general, and staunch opposition from the Church and a good number of government leaders against the condom program and sexual promiscuity, are well-known facts in the Philippines.
Even if this were not the case, the Catholic teaching against contraception and fornication would be correct.