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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dhimmitude in Asia
Muslim extremists want to eliminate Christians from Sangla Hill: "In Friday prayers calls are made for the hanging of Yousaf Masih, a Christian accused of blasphemy. The archbishop of Lahore writes to the governor Punjab describing an increasing tense situation as Christmas approaches."

Government officials behind 2001 inter-faith clashes in Poso: "The charge was levelled by three Catholics condemned to death for their alleged role in the clashes: we are risking our lives and those who are truly responsible are still at large. The 16 names revealed include members of the local administration. The police have ordered fresh investigations; the convicts had made the same charges at the beginning of the trial but no one listened to them then".

For more on the plight of non-Muslims in Mohammedom, see Dhimmi Watch and Dhimmis and Dhimmitude: The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule.