Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

If Robert Frost Had Been a Blogger
    Stopping by a Blog on a Frosty Evening
    Whose blog this is, a neo-con,
    His book is available on Amazon.
    He will not see me lurking here;
    My comments all will be anon.

    My online friends won't think it queer
    If I blog while drinking a six-pack of beer
    Between dinner and the ten o'clock news;
    It fills my comments with good cheer.

    My wife has the spouse-of-a-blogger blues
    And asks me if I've noticed her cues.
    The only other sound's the click
    Of mouse and key as I peruse

    This blog and the next one till I'm sick
    Of beating a dead horse with a stick
    And another evening's burned its wick,
    And another evening's burned its wick.
    (Jonathan Potter - Korrektiv)
[from Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor]