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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Long Live the Second Vermont Republic!"
"The Green Mountain State’s secession movement brings together hippie greens and libertarian gun owners:" Free Vermont: Green Mountain boys ponder secession.

The article is full of interesting information, for example:
    Montpelier is the only McDonald’s-less state capital in the land....

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who in bidding farewell to his neighbors in Cavendish, Vermont, where he had lived in exile for 17 years, praised “the sensible and sure process of grassroots democracy, in which the local population solves most of its problems on its own, not waiting for the decisions of higher authorities.”
I hitchhiked to Vermont in the late '80s for a Rainbow Family Gathering and found the state's people quite unique. The country-folk didn't seemed phased at all by the arrival of hundreds of hippies into their state. It seems to be a bastion of granola conservatism. The state boasts a Vermont Latin Mass Group.

The Green Mountain State is on my short-list of places to consider for resettlement upon my return to the United States in a few years. Its climate and landscapes are similar to my native Upstate New York, another of my options. HALLOWED GROUND country in Northern California is also on that list. My parents have conveniently retired in that region. Still, it's hard for me to imagine my kids growing up with snowless winters. I guess the Sierra Nevadas are close enough. My wife and I fell in love with Northern New Mexico, another candidate, on a visit there a few years ago. Southern Oregon was also beautiful. Ideally, I'd like to find a rural area with enough hippie-types to allow a Thai restaurant.