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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Two from Lew links to some good articles today, as always, icluding the ones below.

Murray N. Rothbard writes about the politics of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu: The Ancient Chinese Libertarian Tradition. I used to be an especially big fan of the latter philosopher, but I now find that Confucius and Mencius have more to say in practical politics. Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu give us a lot of good advice on how to lead our personal lives.

"The secret reformist history of the Ku Klux Klan" is exposed by Jesse Walker in Hooded Progressivism. A defining moment for me was realizing that Nazism, Racism, and Nationalism are Leftist tendencies, not Rightist ones as the state schools taught me.