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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fundamentalism of a Different Sort
Joseph Sobran asks,"Is Darwin Holy?"

Here are some excerpts I particularly enjoyed:
    I used to believe in evolution myself, but I took no joy in it. Who could? If atheism is true, then nothing really matters — not even atheism. Even as a kid I could see that. In my atheistic days I thought nothing quite as silly as the militant atheist. I loved the story of Jesus and the Catholic Church, I regretted losing my faith, and I couldn’t understand people who could be enthusiastic about living in a cold, godless universe. I tried to make art — especially Shakespeare and Beethoven — my consolation prizes for the religion I’d lost. At least they made me feel as if I had a soul, even if the cheerless dogma of Darwin said otherwise....

    Modern atheism, waving the banner of Science, has the emotional character of a perverted religion, taking a morbid pleasure in preaching and converting and, in its intolerance, demanding a privileged place in education. This isn’t just “separation of church and state” — two things that are separate by nature anyway. The glee with which Darwinists attack and insult Christianity tells you what they really want, and why the idea of evolution appeals to them.

    Like its nineteenth-century twin, Marxism, Darwinism demonstrates the profound truth of the adage that misery loves company. Spoiled souls always want to spoil other souls, as the drive for “sex education” also shows. If I can’t be innocent, neither can you! “Ye shall be as gods.” The Lord and the serpent both promise that the truth shall make us free, but one of them is lying.
[link via]

I'm reminded of something that Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) wrote in Democracy in America, quoted here as The Brutes Become Gods:
    The materialists are offensive to me in many respects; their doctrines I hold to be pernicious, and I am disgusted at their arrogance.

    If their system could be of any utility to man, it would seem to be by giving him a modest opinion of himself, but these reasoners show that it is not so; and when they think they have said enough to prove that they are brutes, they appear as proud as if they had demonstrated that they are gods.
Finally, also on the topic of Evolutionism is this article that makes me want to dig up my old Devo records: “Backward evolution” spawns ape-like people.