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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Lord, Have Mercy on Us
I would be remiss to link to stories of Muslim atrocities against Christians and not do the same when the tables are turned: Nigerian Christians Burn Corpses*. Let me just say, I don't remember seeing the word "Muslims" in the headlines a few days ago when it was Christians and their churches being targeted**. That, of course, would be inflammatory.

Obviously, using the excuse that they attacked us first, while true, is not particularly Christian. Self-defense, yes. Revenge, no. But the last thing the longsuffering Christians of Nigeria need is a lecture in Gospel 101 from me.

Here is some background: Nigerian religious riots continue and Nigeria Counts 100 Deaths Over Danish Caricatures.

The troubles in Nigeria, like those in Northern Ireland and elsewhere, are at their root ethnic and not religious. The troubles in Northern Ireland are essentially a continuation of the same conflict that began 1500 years ago with the Anglo-Saxon invasion of the British Islands. As everyone knows, Nigeria is an artificial colonial amalgamation of various nations, among them Christian Igboland*** in the south and Muslim Hausaland in the north.

*Use to bypass registration.

**Skeptical? Compare the headlines from Yahoo! News Search Results for nigeria christians with those of Yahoo! News Search Results for nigeria muslims.

***Aka the Biafra Nation. This is one of the most interesting and informative sites I've come across in a long time. It takes while to load because of its beautiful music, with lyrics about Liberty and God, which is well worth the wait. The section entitled Jihad Toll is particularly noteworthy.

Here's an article from another Biafran source: Nigerian Government Wages War on the Catholic Church: Bishops, Priests, Laity Targeted. The article notes that "[a] highly reliable and authoritative ecclesiastical source accused the Obasanjo regime of still carrying a vendetta against the Catholic Church in Igboland for its pro-Biafra role during the Nigeria-Biafra War."