Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Politically correct and thus unclear reporting...
can be found in this article about a gang in France that calls itself "the Barbarians:" Anti-Semitism Is Alleged in French Torture-Killing*. The savages lived up to their chosen name: in his 24 days of captivity, victim Ilan Halimi, 23, was burned over 80% of his body, and his ears and fingers were cut off.

If Nazi skinheads had been reponsible, it would have been mentioned clearly in the first paragraph of the above article, if not in the headline itself, and rightfully so. Instead, to learn who the perpetrators were, the reader must act like a detective to piece together the details of this heinous crime. We learn that they "recited Koranic verses during telephone calls and e-mails" in paragraph seven. In paragraph nineteen, we are assured that there are "no ties between the suspects and the Islamic extremist networks active in France." Paragraph twenty-three tells us that in similar crimes "perpetrators are generally Muslim youths."

While pursuing my Master's Degree in the Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESOL) ten years ago, I learned that English expository writing tends to be "writer-responsible" and that of Asian languages "reader-responsible." This means that in English writing, it is the writer's responsibility to put forth his ideas as clearly and as straighforwardly as possible. ["Tell 'em what you'll say, say it, and then tell 'em what you said."] Nowhere should these be this truer than in journalism. Why then, when Muslims are responsible for some crime, do journalists tend to violate these standards of clear writing?

"The Barbarians," as they rightfully call themselves, should be expelled from Europe, after being guillotined. As for their co-religionists, Europe should consider the former for them. The late Mr. Halimi's people, in contrast, have lived in Europe for centuries and contributed greatly to her culture.

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