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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Black America's Marriage Crisis
'Marriage Is for White People'*. So says a twelve-year-old student in the author's class. The author cites this startling fact: "A black child was more likely to grow up living with both parents during slavery days than he or she is today." [Link via Dappled Things]

Reversing this situation is key in resolving the generational poverty faced by our Black fellow citizens: Marriage: A social justice issue. The article quotes the founder of the Seymour Institute for Advanced Christian Studie, Rev. Eugene F. Rivers, III, a black Pentecostal minister:
    The impact of the decay of marriage among black people has been enormous, resulting in higher poverty rates among black families, school failure among children, and the intergenerational transmission of high teen pregnancy rates and female-headed households. Sociological research has implicated fatherlessness in violence, drug use and criminal behavior, especially among young black males.
*Use to bypass registration.