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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Catholic Schoolgirls and Other Lesbians
[Welcome to anyone who arrived here using the above search terms. Pornography, like all Sin, gets pretty damn boring after a while. It'd be a pity to be damned for something so boring. Try the ultimate adventure: Catholicism.]

Below are two stories linked to by Seattle Catholic.

The first comes from my hometown: Gay student hits snag over date to Villa prom. This is the last prom of an 87-year-old Catholic girls' high school that is closing this year. What a shame that a student has to raise such a stink over false ideas of "fairness."

The second comes from South Africa: Lesbian couple found guilty of boy's murder. "A four-year-old boy died after he was brutally assaulted when he refused to call his mother's lesbian lover 'Daddy.'" It's not surprsing that a four-year-old should be aware of Natural Law. "Out of the mouths of babes...," or in this case "Not out of the mouths of babes..." May God rest his innocent soul.