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Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Crunchy Cons" Again
Maclin Horton, himself a subject of Rod Dreher's new book, offers some links to some insightful criticism of the work and the very idea behind it: Dreher: Learning from Critics and CC Misapprehensions.

Mr. Horton analyzes the critiques thusly:
    Sometimes it seems almost willful, but I think at least part of the reason is that it really is easy to get the mistaken impression that Dreher is advocating only superficial changes (Birkenstocks, granola, etc.). Both the title and subtitle of the book tend to give that impression.
I eat organic food, granola, home-made yoghurt, and home-grown spouts, drink microbrews, enjoy listening to bluegrass and Cuban son, own a pair of Tatami sandals (a subsidiary of Birkenstock), prefer Victorians to McMansions, etc. However, I prefer the term Traditionalist Conservatism.