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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Endangering Children
Seattle Catholic links to a must-read article from Boston: Kids take back seat to gay agenda.

Readers of this blog will know that I am not in favor of international adoption, although in no way do I find any fault those parents who want to give kids a decent, loving home. In fact, I have the utmost respect for such parents.

But one thing I saw on my most recent trip to California shocked and appalled me: at a playground, two beautiful little girls, perhaps from Guatemala or another Latin American country, each with a pair of two lily-white mommies. What kind of society allows this? What do our neighbors to the South think of us?

I remember being profoundly saddened by the sight of kids as young as three fending for themselves on the streets of Quetzaltenango, but taking such kids from a material nightmare to a moral one is not a solution.