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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Capitalism, Socialism, Subsidiarity
This is a brilliant and concise post from an excellent blog that places The Principle of Subsidiarity not at the margins of economic thought, but at its center where it rightfully belongs: Anti-Crunchy Rebuttal.

The post needs to be read in its entirety. This comment was equally enlightening:
    What is interesting is that if you read Marx, he thought that socialism was inevitible because capitalism already has a socialist (read highly centralized and planned) organization of economic production. Socialism was simply the next logical development of a centralized economy since individual, family and regional autonomy has already been practically eliminated.

    To look at the problem through the lens of subsdiary shows in a different light the relative similarity of the socialist/communist and capitalist economic organization, and how disinct the both of these forms of economic organization are from what came before, systems which have now been largely forgotten.
Traditionalist conservatives like Russell Kirk (1918–1994) and Richard M. Weaver (1910–1963) were wise to hold Industrial Capitalism in contempt along with Communism.