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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Friday, April 21, 2006

Instruction Needed
From Korean Catholics Unruffled by 'Da Vinci Code':
    The Catholic Times and the church’s website Good News conducted a survey of visitors on April 10-14 and found that 72 percent or 474 of 657 respondents felt the Catholic Church should give them a guideline about the film and the book. Only 9 percent or 56 wanted the film banned, and a mere 3 percent said Christians should be discouraged from seeing it.

    Almost half or 301 respondents said that they had read the book, and more than half or 355 said they planned to see the Tom Hanks movie.
That last part is particularly disturbing. That's like Jews lining up to buy The Protocals of the Elders of Zion. Catholics need some guidleines about the film, which "charges their church with a millennia-long conspiracy" and "suggests the church covered up the “truth” that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and their offspring live in some comfort in the French countryside to this day." They should be urged at the very least not to lend support to an anti-Catholic book or film.