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Monday, April 17, 2006

Islam - The World's Next Superpower
From Moussaoui: 'No Regret, No Remorse':
    In a lengthy explanation of why he hates Americans, Moussaoui said Islam requires Muslims to be the world's superpower as he flipped through a copy of the Quran searching for verses to support his assertion. He said one verse requires Muslims "to fight against all who believe not in Allah."
Absurd and horrific as it sounds, Muslims might just be the world's next superpower.

In the chaos that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, Mohammedom had access to Greek science and philosophy and Indian mathematics, but was unable to do anything substantial with them. Once Christendom got a hold of these, the West began its unassailable ascent to supremacy.

Sadly, however, like a rebellious adolescent, the West has turned its back on its Christian heritage. By embracing abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, and contraception, it is now spiraling toward civilizational suicide. This is not the case with Muslims, who, however deformed their man-made religion (a Christian heresy, to be more correct) may be, have not abandoned the Creator's first injunction to "be fruitful and multiply." [France will be an Islamic nation in twenty-five years, even without any further immigration: it's the demographics, stupid!]

Muslim dominance of the world will surely bring a great many good things. Was it Saint Augustine of Hippo who, with great sadness, acknowledged Rome's fall to the barbarians as divine chastisement for gladitorial combat and other sins? Muslim rule will bring an end to abortion and the toxic sewage pouring out of Hollywood.

Ironically, and justly, while those Militant Secularists who in their blindness serve as Militant Islam's fifth column in the West will be asked to submit or face the sword, we Christians will be allowed to practice our Faith. Still, we will have to submit to the humiliation of Dhimmitude.

Whereas the barbarians who conquered Rome were eventually conquered themselves by its glorious civilization, this will not happen with Muslims. A world ruled by Muslims will look much like the Dar al-Islam (دار الإسلام) today: a pretty ugly place that grows uglier in inverse proportion to the percentage of non-Muslims living in any given country: Malaysia is a relatively decent place; Saudi Arabia a nightmare.

Of course, they won't win in the End; we are assured of that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church.

As far as Mr. Moussaoui is concered, I say give the swine life imprisonment, not the "martyrdom" he seeks.