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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Most Beautiful Words
My personal favorites in Castilian, amanecer and madrugada (both meaning "dawn"), didn't make this list: "Amor" es elegida la palabra más bella del castellano.

My favorite Korean word is 늘 neul ("always"), but I'm a sucker for just about any Korean word ending with the /l/ phoneme, expressed by the letter "ㄹ" in Korean.

Of course, the Greek ανάστασις anástasis ("resurrection") might top the list of any Christian familiar with the original language of the New Testament, and it tops mine as well.

But the second most beautiful word I've yet encountered is sayang, the Malay word for "love." A Singaporean writer said the word has a much deeper meaning; it might be used by a mother looking at her newborn baby with a bittersweet love that acknowledges that both mother and baby will grow older, experience both happiness and sadness in life, and evetually be separated by death.