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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Illegal Immigrants - "The Great White Hope"
Steve Kellmeyer hits the nail on the head in Looking for Baby Jane. Here's a snippet:
    Today, the person who is doing the most to assure America's future is the pregnant illegal immigrant. Too lazy to have children ourselves, we have created an unofficial "rent-a-womb" guest worker program.
Inspired by Mr. Kellmeyer, here's what I wrote in response to Catholic nativist Jimmy Akin's post Bush Weaker On Border Security Than Clinton:
    What America needs is far fewer Nativists and a lot more Natalists.

    Baby Boomer Americans busied themselves for decades by aborting, contracepting, and sterilizing the country out of a replacement generation. The Little Lord Fauntleroy generation they managed to bequeath, and of which I am a member, is too miniscule and too spoiled to do the work that is needed to keep our country afloat, the most essential of which is to be fruitful and multiply.

    Enter the illegal immigrants to do what we have failed to do. We should thank God they come from a Catholic country. Perhaps this is Divine Providence at work in the Catholicization of the United States.

    There's the famous Mexican lament: "So far from God, so close to the United States."

    For us Americans, it's a blessing: "So far from God, so close to Mexico."