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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Johnny Rotten - Anti-Abortion Activist
"Conservative Rock Songs?," asks TS, linking to several candidates, among them one of my favorites from my punk rock days, edited here for vulgarity:
    The Sex Pistols

    She was a girl from Birmingham
    She just had an abortion
    She was case of insanity
    Her name was Pauline she lived in a tree

    She was a no one who killed her baby
    She sent her letter from the country
    She was an animal
    She was a bloody disgrase

    Body I'm not an animal
    Body I'm not an animal

    Dragged on a table in factory
    Illegitimate place to be
    In a packet in a lavatory
    Die little baby screaming
    Body screaming... bloody mess
    Not an animal
    It's an abortion

    Body I'm not animal
    Mummy I'm not an abortion

    Throbbing squirm,
    gurgling bloody mess
    I'm not an discharge
    I'm not a loss in protein
    I'm not a throbbing squirm


    She don't wanna baby that looks like that
    I don't wanna baby that looks like that
    Body I'm not an animal
    Body an abortion

    Body I'm not an animal
    An animal
    I'm not an animal.....
    I'm not an abortion.....

    Mummy! UGH!