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Friday, May 19, 2006

Tragedies in Koreatown
"Three Korean-born men allegedly killed spouses or children, and in two cases killed themselves:" L.A. confronts Asian family abuse.

Such cases, I've said before, are not unknown here in Korea. The "experts" are searching for reasons for these and other familial murder-suicides, including "traditional Asian values of patriarchy and reticence," "pastors for ignoring domestic violence," "loss of status for men... as women quickly learn English and take over family finances," and even "men who feel they have 'lost control' of their women."

I'd put forth this explanation: in Korean and other Asian societies, the universal truth that the family, not the individual, is the basic unit of society is highly ingrained. Perhaps it is more ingrained than it need be, at the expense of individual identity and responsibility. When any truth is enshrined at the expense of other truths, problems occur.