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Monday, May 15, 2006

The WaPo Debunks Duh Vinci
You needn't go to a Christian source to learn the historical inaccuracies of the DVC; here's an article from a newspaper often decried as "liberal:" Contentious Notions: Are They True?*

Tangentially, the book and movie came up in my evening non-credit class tonight. All of the students, most of them graduate students and, by coincidence, most of them Catholic, had read the book. [It is, after all, the best selling novel ever.] One student, a Sunday school teacher at my parish and a very upright young man who once discerned a vocation, reported that his students had asked him about the book's claims. He did his best to refute what Dan Brown wrote, but said that his students refused to believe him. Sad it is that a book is having such a effect on young Catholic minds.


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