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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Department of Agriculture Fascism
A sting operation over raw milk: Amish Farmer Says Milk Law Opposes Beliefs.
    You can't just give milk away to someone other then yourself. It's a violation of the law.
So says Ohio Department of Agriculture spokeswoman LeeAnne Mizer.

This is outrageous. We all need to do what we can for Arlie Stutzman, the farmer at the center of the story. Let's keep him in our prayers.

Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky writes of how such unjust laws have effectively eliminated small-scale farming in The Unsettling of America -- Culture & Agriculture.

In the past, a farming family might raise a few chickens or have a milk-cow the suppliment their diet. Any extra eggs or milk could be sold locally. Then along came the Nanny State and decided everything had to be pasteurized (and stripped of its nutrients). The era of industrial agriculture began.