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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Some Promises Should Be Broken
From 차범근 망언, "하나만 더 낳고 그만 두겠어요" comes this anti-population public disservice propaganda from 1980:
The ad shows soccer star Cha Beomgeun (차범근), aka Cha "Boom," with his wife and daughter. The captions reads, "I'll have just one more and stop."

The caption is a play on words. His daughter's name is "Hana" (하나), whch means "one." This is one of the most popular "pure Korean" given names, i.e. not Sino-Korean in origin.

Soccer fans know that Mr. Cha did have a second child; his son "Duri" (두리), a pure Korean name based on the pronunciation of the number "two," was a star player in the 2002 World Cup and is now a television commentator.

Mr. Cha broke his promise, though, with another son "Sejji" (세찌), again a play on the word for "three." A family with three children is a bit of a rare sight in South Korea these days.

The campaign in which Mr. Cha took part, as readers of this blog will know, has had disastrous consequences: South Korea's birth rate lowest on record.